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Review on C4 Journal by Eugenie Shinkle


“To Pick Up a Stone is a study of perception itself – of the nature of our engagement with the world, of the way that photography mediates this engagement, and of the way that the camera, the image and the book form can work together to capture the full intensity of perceptual experience.”

“It’s counterintuitive to think that a photograph might also register other, more subjective sensory information – the so-called ‘secondary qualities’ of taste, sound, smell and touch. But den Boer uses the camera in exactly this way. ‘Photographing is like an intensified act of observing to me’, she remarks. ‘Observing and looking at the landscape is an almost tactile experience; it’s like I can feel the material of the landscape (or stone) by looking intensely.’ ”

A marvelous review by Eugenie Shinkle was published on C4 Journal today! You can read it HERE.


WINTER SHORTLISTED by FotoFilmic/PULP Gallery, Vancouver, Canada

Among 30 photographers I'm shortlisted by Fotofilmic/PULP Gallery! Anchors book + print will be part of their collection and will be exhibited in the FotoFilmic WINTER SHORTLIST show.
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Review in PhotoBook journal

"Take a look at a unique world of stonescapes, a tour-de-force trip involving space, shape, and scale, in Claudia den Boer’s TO PICK UP A STONE, reviewed in the PhotoBook Journal." - Gerhard Clausing
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So exciting! My work To pick up a stone got SHORTLISTED for Belfast Photo Festival 2021!
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