To pick up a stone featured at Festival Diecixdieci, Italy
To pick up a stone is featured in the exhibition 'Inventory of Nature', the new installation of INDEX NATURAE by OMNE at the Festival Diecixdieci in Gonzaga, from November 16–24, 2024
Opening of my solo-exhibition at Hilvaria Studio’s
Opening of my solo-exhibition Sunday 10th of November at Hilvaria Studio's Foundation. It was a lovely afternoon! There will be 5 more Sundays were you can visit the exhibition (with program).
Coming up: exhibition at Hilvaria Studio’s Foundation
Looking forward to and preparing for my exhibition this fall at Hilvaria Studio's Foundation! The Hilvaria Studio's are hidden in the woods of Hilvarenbeek. November 10th it will open and you're cordially invited to come see. There will be works on show from all three of my projects: Anchors, To pick up a stone and my new and ongoing project with working title Nature of Us.
INDEX NATURAE at Fotografia Europea, Italy
INDEX NATURAE, a photo book exhibition by OMNE, will be exhibited again at Fotografia Europea in Italy! Very proud my book To pick up a stone is part of this. Many thanks to the curators of this exhibition Massimo Sordi and Stefania Rössl.
Shortlisted Athens Photo Festival 2024
To pick up a stone has been SHORTLISTED for the exhibition program of Athens Photo Festival 2024! Happy with this news, it would be so lovely to be able to show my work in these beautiful exhibitions.
Beeldessay voor CAST + Bouwstof talkshow op 25 oktober 2023
In opdracht van Centrum voor Architectuur en Stedenbouw Tilburg (CAST) maakte ik voor hun vernieuwde publicatie De Verdieping een beeldessay Thuis in de straat?. Een serie die prikkelt na te denken over Tilburg als woonomgeving. Op woensdag 25 oktober 2023 ben ik ook te gast in talkshow Bouwstof van CAST om te vertellen over het beeldessay.
9th Daegu Photo Biennale, South Korea
Curator Jinyoung Kim kindly invited The Eriskay Connection to take part the 9th Daegu Photo Biennale. A few of their titles, among them my book To pick up a stone, are part of the ‘Power of Photography, in Print’ exhibition, a wonderfull selection of international photobooks. The exhibition can be seen till the 5th of November 2023 in Daegu Arts Center Gallery 12, South Korea.
Index Naturae at OMNEFEST 2023
To pick up a stone is part of OMNEFEST 2023! In the INDEX NATURAE exhibition, set up in the prestigious location of Villa Parco Bolasco of the University of Padua in the historic stables, curated bij Stefani Rössl and Massimo Sordi. From all the books exhibited they made a catalogue published bij OMNE and Skinnerboox, designed by Damiano Fraccaro.
Open studio expo ‘Nature of us’ @Allemans op 10 September 2023
De afgelopen maanden werkte ik in de monumentale Vlaamse Schuur van Stichting Allemans. Hier was ik 3 maanden voor een residentie op uitnodiging van Ateliers Tilburg. Het was het startpunt van nieuw project Nature of Us (werktitel). Op 10 september toon ik nieuw werk, gemaakt tijdens deze residentie, in een tussentijdse Open studio expositie bij Allemans. Wees welkom!
Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles – Nuit de L’Année – selected by Der Greif
Anchors is selected by Der Greif to be part of opening week's Nuit de L'Année at Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles, Der Greif's 15th Anniversary Screening on the 8th of July!
Der Greif Past & Present group exhibition
Der Greif selected my work for their 'Past & Present' group exhibition & event at Pinakothek der Moderne & ZIRKA in Munich (DE) this June.
Artist in Residence @Allemans
At the beginning of 2023 I was invited by Ateliers Tilburg for a three month residency at Stichting Allemans. The working period was during springtime and is now drawing to a close. This September there'll be a presentation of the work I did there. Later more on this!
Group show ‘New Talents’ in Brussels by PEP
Happy my work has been selected and part of group show New Talents 2022 by Photography Exploration Project. The exhibition can be visited in the gallery of 254Forest in Brussels from 19th of January to 11th of February 2023. You are cordially invited to come see the show (with guided tours)!
Making a new work with Textiellab
A long awaited wish to make a work with textile is coming true! Making a tapestry from an image of my project To pick up a stone. In collaboration with product developer Lotte van Dijk at Textiellab.
To pick up a stone selected to be exhibited at Belfast Photo Festival 2022
Very proud and happy my work To pick up a stone - after being shortlisted - got selected to be exhibited at Belfast Photo Festival 2022! This years edition will be from the 2nd until the 30th of June.
Shortlisted AGAIN for Belfast Photo Festival!
So happy to learn my work To pick up a stone got shortlisted AGAIN for Belfast Photo Festival, edition 2022!
Re-opening exhibition Albert van Abbehuis
This Saturday the 'Benefiet voor Brabant' exhibition is re-opening. An exhibition with all works for sale and 100% of all profits going to the artist. An initiative to support artist from Brabant because of the great impact of the corona pandemic. Two of my art works from my series Anchors have been selected to participate in the exhibition.
Group exhibition at SPACE PLACE Gallery (RU)
Now on display in Russia at SPACE PLACE Gallery in Russia, work from my series To pick up a stone.
Funding to make new work in textile with Textiellab
Last week I received the good news my application for funding (Perspectiefbudget) from Kunstloc & Provincie Noord-Brabant was granted! This enables me to make a NEW WORK in textile in collaboration with Textiellab Tilburg!
Featured in F-Stop magazine
Two images of To pick up a stone are featured in the Landscape issue 2021 of F-Stop Magazine, and in great company with a lot of other beautiful works.
Book signing @UNSEEN Amsterdam Saturday 18th 17:00h
Happy to be part of the UNSEEN Bookmarket with a book signing of my photobook To pick up a stone on September 18th at 17:00h with my publisher The Eriskay Connection. Hope to see you there!
Exhibiting at Encontros Da Imagem + Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2021
To pick up a stone will be part of 2 photography festivals in Portugal this fall!
To pick up a stone has been selected for the Discovery Awards 2021 projection and will be on display at ENCONTROS DA IMAGEM and Imago Lisboa Photo Festival.
Longlisted for Dutch Photobook Prize + exhibited at Fotofestival Naarden 2021
To pick up a stone was selected among 10 other great books for the Longlist of the Dutch Photobook Prize at Fotofestival Naarden! And it will be exhibited at the festival from 3rd of July - 29th of August 2021.
Review on C4 Journal by Eugenie Shinkle
"To Pick Up a Stone is a study of perception itself – of the nature of our engagement with the world, of the way that photography mediates this engagement, and of the way that the camera, the image and the book form can work together to capture the full intensity of perceptual experience." — Eugenie Shinkle
So exciting! My work To pick up a stone got SHORTLISTED for Belfast Photo Festival 2021!
The Most Fantastic Rocks, an essay by Joanna L. Cresswell on LensCulture
"In the face of impending ecological crisis, five artists trace our messy, multifaceted entanglement with the natural world through a mutual obsession with rocks." - The Most Fantastic Rocks. An essay by Joanna L. Cresswell, featuring my work among great company, published on LensCulture!
“Aandacht, daarover gaat haar werk”
To pick up a stone in Mestmag, het online platform voor cultuur in Noord-Brabant; "In de column 'Signalement' neemt Ton van der Linden je mee in de wereld van Brabantse makers Ro&Ad Architecten, We Make Carpets en Claudia Den Boer en hun omgang met gevonden materialen."
Special mention Urbanautica Institute Awards 2020
Special Mention! in the category Nature, Environment and Perspectives of the Urbanautica Institute Awards 2020 of my work To pick up a stone!
Review in PhotoBook journal
"Take a look at a unique world of stonescapes, a tour-de-force trip involving space, shape, and scale, in Claudia den Boer’s TO PICK UP A STONE, reviewed in the PhotoBook Journal." - Gerhard Clausing
Essay Bilderatlas gepubliceerd door Mister Motley
"Foam-curator en historica Mirjam Kooiman schreef het essay Bilderatlas naar aanleiding van de verschijning van het boek To pick up a stone én de opening van de gelijknamige solotentoonstelling van Claudia den Boer."
Review on Conscientious Photography Magazine
"This makes the book center as much on what photography itself actually does as on the stones/landscapes themselves. In the book, this fact is driven home by the choice of different paper stocks." - Joerg Colberg
Full-page in Het Parool
Today! Full-page in the art section of newspaper Het Parool; my photobook To pick up a stone, with The Eriskay Connection.
Interview PUNTO DE FUGA Bogotá Colombia
Interview with PUNTO DE FUGA Bogotá about my work and photo book To pick up a stone.
After talk with FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman
Art historian and FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman wrote an essay titled Bilderatlas with my photobook and solo exhibition To pick up a stone. In the occasion of her essay and my work, we organized an after talk at SEA Foundation on Saturday 2020/11/28.
Solo exhibition + photo book launch To pick up a stone
With great pleasure I invite you to my solo exhibition + launch of my second photo book To pick up a stone at SEA Foundation in Tilburg. Click to reserve a time slot for your visit!
To pick up a stone to press!
Today my second photo book To pick up a stone went to press! Meanwhile I'm also working on a solo exhibition at SEA Foundation which will open on the 20th of November and where the book wil be presented firstly!
‘Gefascineerd door verstilling’
Last week I was interviewed by art editor Joost Goutziers about my work! Last weekend the article was published in the Saturday edition of Dutch newspaper Brabants Dagblad. (in Dutch only) You can still support my crowdfunding for my new photo book until Friday September 11th! Click to read more ->
Crowdfunding for second photobook To pick up a stone
✨ My crowdfundingcampagne for my second photobook To pick up a stone is online, starting today and wil run until the 11th of September! ✨ To pick up a stone is about connecting to something that has existed for a long time, to slow down, to be still, to look and look again.
Exhibition at PARK – Platform for visual arts
BENEFIT FOR BRABANT, een mooi initiatief van PARK - Platform for visual arts. Vanaf 8 augustus is samen met vele andere Brabantse kunstenaars ook mijn werk hier te zien en te koop. Je bent van harte uitgenodigd!
New photo book
Working on developing my second photo book titled To pick up a stone with The Eriskay Connection. More information soon!
Special mention Urbanautica Institute Awards 2019
Urbanautica, Journal of Visual Antropology and Cultural Landscape, chose my work Anchors in the category Special Mention of the Urbanautica Institute Awards 2019!
108 meter fotowand bouwroute in Spoorzone
In opdracht van Gemeente Tilburg maakte ik een fotopresentatie van 35 beelden voor op de ruim 108 meter aan bouwhekken.
Solo exhibition at SPACE PLACE Gallery, Russia
Solo exhibition of When Is A Mountain in SPACE PLACE Gallery in Nizjni Tagil, Ural, Russia.
Toekenning Makersfonds 2019!
Vind vandaag de brief op de mat met een subsidietoekenning van Makersfonds 2019 voor mijn fotografieproject When Is A Mountain!
Expositie Unmapped
UNMAPPED, een interdisciplinair project in samenwerking met choreograaf Katja Grässli en schrijver en beeldend kunstenaar Dorien de Wit opent op 8 maart 2019 bij KunstLoc in de LocHal in Tilburg en is te zien t/m 14 april 2019.
Exhibition Silent Witness at Butterworth Fringe Festival Malaysia
This weekend, as part of project YMOI by choreographer and dancer Beh Chin Lau, my photo series 'Silent Witness' will be exhibited at Butterworth Fringe Festival 2018 in Malaysia.
Aanvraag Impulsgelden + Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds gehonoreerd
Samen met Katja Grässli, onder de naam MoveToMeet, hebben we een positief juryadvies ontvangen en is onze aanvraag Impulsgelden GEHONOREERD! Eerder dit jaar hebben we ook een tweede toekenning van het Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Noord-Brabant mogen ontvangen!
‘Cataract’ in Sächsische Zeitung
Article in German newspaper about TanzART and our visit, exchange and experiment with multidisciplinary and international project Cataract!
New collaboration: Cataract
A first residency period at Cultuurhuis de Warande (BE) and DansBrabant (NL) for a try-out of a new collaboration!
AINT-BAD online feature
Thanks AINT-BAD - Independent Publisher of New Photographic Art, for featuring my work.
I Book Show, Taiga, St.Petersburg
This Friday 'I Book Show', organized by Photobookshow and hosted by Taiga in St. Petersburg, Russia is opening.
Happy and proud my photo book Anchors is part of it.
Athens Photo Festival
Very happy my photo book Anchors is part of The Photobook Exhibition at Athens Photo Festival this summer at The Benaki Museum in Athens.
Fotofestival Naarden
Tijdens Fotofestival Naarden, van 20 mei tot 18 juni, is mijn fotoboek Anchors onderdeel van de Nederlandse fotoboekententoonstelling in de Gele Loods.
Opening expositie Buiten Kaders bij bkkc
Anchors is tot 2 juli te zien bij bkkc Tilburg, met ook werk van Willem Populier, Jenny van den Broeke en Marleine van de Werf.
WINTER SHORTLISTED by FotoFilmic/PULP Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Among 30 photographers I'm shortlisted by Fotofilmic/PULP Gallery! Anchors book + print will be part of their collection and will be exhibited in the FotoFilmic WINTER SHORTLIST show.
AIR Can Serrat
Very happy to have been selected for a working period at International Art Residency Can Serrat, El Bruc, Barcelona!
Upcoming events presenting photobook Anchors with The Eriskay Connection
Signing Anchors @PhotoQ Bookshop
Book presentation + signing PhotoQ Bookshop with a short interview about 'Anchors' by Edie Peters at BredaPhoto 2016
BOOK LAUNCH Anchors BredaPhoto 2016
'This is where we are_' + book launch Anchors
an evening on photo books with The Eriskay Connection at BredaPhoto + book launch first copies of Anchors.
FK Magazine selection ISSP 2016 + ISSP Weekly planner 2017
"FK Magazine presents a selection of final works from all workshops and projects, which were launched before and during the ISSP."
International Summerschool of Photography Latvia
"ISSP Final Exhibition featuring the works of 74 photographers from 25 countries and locals from the Pelci village, all created during the International Summer School of Photography 2016."
Artist in Residence in Sahara
Had a great working period and another artist-in-residence adventure in the desert. This time a very remote place in the Sahara, at Cafe Tissardmine.