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Crowdfunding for second photobook To pick up a stone


✨ My crowdfundingcampagne for my second photobook To pick up a stone is online, starting today and will run until the 11th of September! ✨

To pick up a stone is about connecting to something that has existed for a long time, to slow down, to be still, to look and look again. I invite you to check out the crowdfunding page HERE and read more on what it’s about and why I’m doing this crowdfunding campaign. In the video I tell how this work came about and the concept design of the book.

You can help me to launch this book by buying it beforehand or by choosing another award. Every contribution counts! It would be great if you’d want to support me making my second photo book possible!

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Review on Conscientious Photography Magazine

"This makes the book center as much on what photography itself actually does as on the stones/landscapes themselves. In the book, this fact is driven home by the choice of different paper stocks." - Joerg Colberg
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Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles – Nuit de L’Année – selected by Der Greif

Anchors is selected by Der Greif to be part of opening week's Nuit de L'Année at Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles, Der Greif's 15th Anniversary Screening on the 8th of July!
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Group exhibition at SPACE PLACE Gallery (RU)

Now on display in Russia at SPACE PLACE Gallery in Russia, work from my series To pick up a stone.
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