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Re-opening exhibition Albert van Abbehuis


This Saturday the ‘Benefiet voor Brabant’ exhibition is re-opening. An exhibition with all works for sale and 100% of all profits going to the artist. An initiative to support artist from Brabant because of the great impact of the corona pandemic. Two of my art works from my series Anchors (see below) have been selected to participate in the exhibition.

You are cordially invited to visit the exhibition from the 29th of January until the 20th of Februari. Opening hours are from Thursday to Sunday from 13:00-17:00h. Albert van Abbehuis is located at Bilderdijklaan 19 in Eindhoven.



Exhibition Silent Witness at Butterworth Fringe Festival Malaysia

This weekend, as part of project YMOI by choreographer and dancer Beh Chin Lau, my photo series 'Silent Witness' will be exhibited at Butterworth Fringe Festival 2018 in Malaysia.
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To pick up a stone to press!

Today my second photo book To pick up a stone went to press! Meanwhile I'm also working on a solo exhibition at SEA Foundation which will open on the 20th of November and where the book wil be presented firstly!
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After talk with FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman

Art historian and FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman wrote an essay titled Bilderatlas with my photobook and solo exhibition To pick up a stone. In the occasion of her essay and my work, we organized an after talk at SEA Foundation on Saturday 2020/11/28.
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