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So exciting! My work To pick up a stone got SHORTLISTED for Belfast Photo Festival 2021!

“Dear Claudia,
We are so pleased to inform you that your place is secured within the top 20% of entries for the 2021 Open Submission! Your work sits among entries received from across the globe.”


To pick up a stone selected to be exhibited at Belfast Photo Festival 2022

Very proud and happy my work To pick up a stone - after being shortlisted - got selected to be exhibited at Belfast Photo Festival 2022! This years edition will be from the 2nd until the 30th of June.
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108 meter fotowand bouwroute in Spoorzone

In opdracht van Gemeente Tilburg maakte ik een fotopresentatie van 35 beelden voor op de ruim 108 meter aan bouwhekken.
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Full-page in Het Parool

Today! Full-page in the art section of newspaper Het Parool; my photobook To pick up a stone, with The Eriskay Connection.
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