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Cataract Free work

Cataract is based on the idea that our outlook on reality is unclear, veiled… and that it can’t be any other way.

The idea of ‘seeing’ and ‘not-seeing’, inspired by philosophical texts brought by cultural philosopher Marc Colpaert, lies at the base of this work. Using two elements to explore this idea; my fascination with spaces and light. Light in itself, the most essential part of a photograph, cannot really be captured or seen, it can maybe only be captured when it hits a surface. Using abstract décor type spaces therefore became the surface and base of these photographs. By using different colors of light (red, green, blue; the colors of light which a photograph consists of) and playing with darkness, brightness and shadows to give shape to the idea of ‘seeing’ and ‘not-seeing’.These photographs (in part) are used to create a scenography of dance piece Cataract.

Cataract is a collaboration between Swiss-Dutch choreographer Katja Grässli, Flemisch cultural philosopher Marc Colpaert, Malaysian dancer Beh Chin Lau, Swiss-Brazilian dancer Nathalie Wagner and me, with coaching by dance dramaturg Guy Cools. Made possible by DansBrabant (NL), Cultuurhuis de Warande (BE), TanzART (DE) & Strijbos&vanRijswijk.

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