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01_ClaudiadenBoer_Into Boundaries_ISSP2016

International Summerschool of Photography Latvia

13.08.2016 – 08.09.2016
ISSP Final Exhibition

“Featuring the works of 74 photographers from 25 countries and locals from the Pelci village, all created during the International Summer School of Photography 2016.”

With the resulting work of the workshop I took part in; ‘The Inhabited Image’ by Federico Clavarino.

Also Federico wrote a Special for Der Greif about our ISSP workshop, you can read it here:



Re-opening exhibition Albert van Abbehuis

This Saturday the 'Benefiet voor Brabant' exhibition is re-opening. An exhibition with all works for sale and 100% of all profits going to the artist. An initiative to support artist from Brabant because of the great impact of the corona pandemic. Two of my art works from my series Anchors have been selected to participate in the exhibition. 
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Exhibiting at Encontros Da Imagem + Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2021

To pick up a stone will be part of 2 photography festivals in Portugal this fall! To pick up a stone has been selected for the Discovery Awards 2021 projection and will be on display at ENCONTROS DA IMAGEM and Imago Lisboa Photo Festival.
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Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles – Nuit de L’Année – selected by Der Greif

Anchors is selected by Der Greif to be part of opening week's Nuit de L'Année at Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles, Der Greif's 15th Anniversary Screening on the 8th of July!
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