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Book signing @UNSEEN Amsterdam Saturday 18th 17:00h


Happy to be part of the UNSEEN Bookmarket with a book signing of my photobook To pick up a stone on September 18th at 17:00h with my publisher The Eriskay Connection.

For this occassion we’ll also be selling Special Editions of the photobook with a 13×13 cm print included, with a choice of 3 different images. Hope to see you there!


Funding to make new work in textile with Textiellab

Last week I received the good news my application for funding (Perspectiefbudget) from Kunstloc & Provincie Noord-Brabant was granted! This enables me to make a NEW WORK in textile in collaboration with Textiellab Tilburg!
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Special mention Urbanautica Institute Awards 2020

Special Mention! in the category Nature, Environment and Perspectives of the Urbanautica Institute Awards 2020 of my work To pick up a stone!
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FK Magazine selection ISSP 2016 + ISSP Weekly planner 2017

"FK Magazine presents a selection of final works from all workshops and projects, which were launched before and during the ISSP."
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