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Longlisted for Dutch Photobook Prize + exhibited at Fotofestival Naarden 2021



“De jury heeft 10 boeken aangewezen voor de “longlist”. De volgende fotografen staan op deze longlist en de boeken worden tentoongesteld in de fotoboekenwinkel van het Fotofestival Naarden in Podium deMess: Bas Losekoot – Out of place, Claudia den Boer – To pick up a stone, Gerco de Ruijter – Grid Corrections, Henk Wildschut – Rooted, Karianne Bueno – Dougs Cabin, Martijn van der Griend – U bevindt zich hier, Nico Bick – Parliament of the European Union, Paul Cupido – Amazonia, Paul Kooiker – The Rumour, Sara Bjarland – Groundwork.”



To pick up a stone to press!

Today my second photo book To pick up a stone went to press! Meanwhile I'm also working on a solo exhibition at SEA Foundation which will open on the 20th of November and where the book wil be presented firstly!
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Full-page in Het Parool

Today! Full-page in the art section of newspaper Het Parool; my photobook To pick up a stone, with The Eriskay Connection.
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Athens Photo Festival

Very happy my photo book Anchors is part of The Photobook Exhibition at Athens Photo Festival this summer at The Benaki Museum in Athens.
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