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BOOK LAUNCH Anchors BredaPhoto 2016

‘This is where we are_’ + book launch Anchors
19.00-23.00 / StadsGalerij Breda Oude Vest 34, Breda

“An evening on photo books with The Eriskay Connection at BredaPhoto + book launch first copies of Anchors.

In a talkshow-like setting nine photographers will engage in three conversations and talk about their work, personal motivation and making photo books. The conversations will be moderated by Edie Peters of PhotoQ.
You are cordially invited to join us!

Peter Dekens, Martino Marangoni, Esther Hessing, Bruno Van Den Elshout, Laura Van Severen, Claudia Den Boer, Jos Jansen, Karin Krijgsmanand CJ Everard.”

Image by The Eriskay Connection


AIR Can Serrat

Very happy to have been selected for a working period at International Art Residency Can Serrat, El Bruc, Barcelona! 
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Athens Photo Festival

Very happy my photo book Anchors is part of The Photobook Exhibition at Athens Photo Festival this summer at The Benaki Museum in Athens.
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Group exhibition at SPACE PLACE Gallery (RU)

Now on display in Russia at SPACE PLACE Gallery in Russia, work from my series To pick up a stone.
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