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I Book Show, Taiga, St.Petersburg

This Friday ‘I Book Show’, organized by Photobookshow and hosted by Taiga in St. Petersburg, Russia is opening.

Happy and proud my photo book Anchors is part of it.
Pics of the show can be viewed here



After talk with FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman

Art historian and FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman wrote an essay titled Bilderatlas with my photobook and solo exhibition To pick up a stone. In the occasion of her essay and my work, we organized an after talk at SEA Foundation on Saturday 2020/11/28.
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FK Magazine selection ISSP 2016 + ISSP Weekly planner 2017

"FK Magazine presents a selection of final works from all workshops and projects, which were launched before and during the ISSP."
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BOOK LAUNCH Anchors BredaPhoto 2016

'This is where we are_' + book launch Anchors an evening on photo books with The Eriskay Connection at BredaPhoto + book launch first copies of Anchors.
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