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Shortlisted Athens Photo Festival 2024


To pick up a stone has been SHORTLISTED for the exhibition program of Athens Photo Festival 2024! Happy with this news, it would be so lovely to be able to show my work in these beautiful exhibitions

The main program will be held at the Benaki Museum / Pireos 138 showcasing the work of 100+ artists from all around the world selected through an open call process.


‘Cataract’ in Sächsische Zeitung

Article in German newspaper about TanzART and our visit, exchange and experiment with multidisciplinary and international project Cataract!
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“Aandacht, daarover gaat haar werk”

To pick up a stone in Mestmag, het online platform voor cultuur in Noord-Brabant; "In de column 'Signalement' neemt Ton van der Linden je mee in de wereld van Brabantse makers Ro&Ad Architecten, We Make Carpets en Claudia Den Boer en hun omgang met gevonden materialen."
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Book signing @UNSEEN Amsterdam Saturday 18th 17:00h

Happy to be part of the UNSEEN Bookmarket with a book signing of my photobook To pick up a stone on September 18th at 17:00h with my publisher The Eriskay Connection. Hope to see you there!
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