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Opening of my solo-exhibition at Hilvaria Studio’s


Opening of my solo-exhibition Sunday 10th of November at Hilvaria Studio’s Foundation. It was a lovely afternoon! Thank you to everyone who came to see it, thank you to curator Tineke Schuurmans for the nice conversation and thanks to Studio Fold for the beautiful photographs of it all!

Address: Hilvaria Studio’s, Goirlesedijk 12b, Hilvarenbeek
Open to public on 5 more Sundays (with program): December 8, January 12, February 9, March 9 and in April (20th or 27th).



‘Cataract’ in Sächsische Zeitung

Article in German newspaper about TanzART and our visit, exchange and experiment with multidisciplinary and international project Cataract!
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WINTER SHORTLISTED by FotoFilmic/PULP Gallery, Vancouver, Canada

Among 30 photographers I'm shortlisted by Fotofilmic/PULP Gallery! Anchors book + print will be part of their collection and will be exhibited in the FotoFilmic WINTER SHORTLIST show.
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Group show ‘New Talents’ in Brussels by PEP

Happy my work has been selected and part of group show New Talents 2022 by Photography Exploration Project. The exhibition can be visited in the gallery of 254Forest in Brussels from 19th of January to 11th of February 2023. You are cordially invited to come see the show (with guided tours)!
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