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Past & Present. DER GREIF im Pavillon 333
Pinakothek der Moderne - Pavillon 333
Past & Present. DER GREIF im Pavillon 333
Eine Kooperation von MIX & MATCH mit DER GREIF und der Abteilung Bildung und
Vermittlung der Pinakothek der Moderne

Der Greif Past & Present group exhibition


Der Greif selected my work for their ‘Past & Present’ group exhibition & event at Pinakothek der Moderne & ZIRKA in Munich (DE) this June. For their 15th anniversary they had an interesting exhibition concept where the public could curate the images at Pavillon 333 at Pinakothek der Moderne, and an atmospheric sound-image installation at ZIRKA (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Raum- und Kulturarbeit).


Making a new work with Textiellab

A long awaited wish to make a work with textile is coming true! Making a tapestry from an image of my project To pick up a stone. In collaboration with product developer Lotte van Dijk at Textiellab.
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So exciting! My work To pick up a stone got SHORTLISTED for Belfast Photo Festival 2021!
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Solo exhibition at SPACE PLACE Gallery, Russia

Solo exhibition of When Is A Mountain in SPACE PLACE Gallery in Nizjni Tagil, Ural, Russia.
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