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Review on Conscientious Photography Magazine


“This makes the book center as much on what photography itself actually does as on the stones/landscapes themselves. In the book, this fact is driven home by the choice of different paper stocks.”
“Seen that way, To pick up a stone might as well serve as a study case for photographers (..) for how to make an engaging photobook that forcefully and elegantly communicates the idea of the work.” – Review by Joerg Colberg on Conscientious Photography Magazine. You can read it HERE.


Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles – Nuit de L’Année – selected by Der Greif

Anchors is selected by Der Greif to be part of opening week's Nuit de L'Année at Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles, Der Greif's 15th Anniversary Screening on the 8th of July!
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‘Gefascineerd door verstilling’

Last week I was interviewed by art editor Joost Goutziers about my work! Last weekend the article was published in the Saturday edition of Dutch newspaper Brabants Dagblad. (in Dutch only) You can still support my crowdfunding for my new photo book until Friday September 11th! Click to read more ->
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Interview PUNTO DE FUGA Bogotá Colombia

Interview with PUNTO DE FUGA Bogotá about my work and photo book To pick up a stone.
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