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Les Rencontres de la Photographie Arles – Nuit de L’Année – selected by Der Greif


Opening week’s Nuit de L’Année at Les Rencontres de la Photographie d’Arles screening features forty photographic proposals projected in loops onto large screens at the abandoned industrial site of the former Étienne paper mill. The projection by Der Greif will celebrate their 15th Anniversary and includes 275 international artists chosen for the 15-minute long video slideshow, containing six chapters.

My work Anchors will be part of chapter 3, States of Mind.



Coming up: exhibition at Hilvaria Studio’s Foundation

Looking forward to and preparing for my exhibition this fall at Hilvaria Studio's Foundation! The Hilvaria Studio's are hidden in the woods of Hilvarenbeek. November 10th it will open and you're cordially invited to come see. There will be works on show from all three of my projects: Anchors, To pick up a stone and my new and ongoing project with working title Nature of Us.
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Shortlisted AGAIN for Belfast Photo Festival!

So happy to learn my work To pick up a stone got shortlisted AGAIN for Belfast Photo Festival, edition 2022!
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Longlisted for Dutch Photobook Prize + exhibited at Fotofestival Naarden 2021

To pick up a stone was selected among 10 other great books for the Longlist of the Dutch Photobook Prize at Fotofestival Naarden! And it will be exhibited at the festival from 3rd of July - 29th of August 2021.
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