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To pick up a stone featured at Festival Diecixdieci, Italy


To pick up a stone is featured in the exhibition ‘Inventory of Nature’, the new installation of INDEX NATURAE by OMNE at the Diecixdieci Festival in Gonzaga, from November 16–24, 2024

Inventory of Nature displays a selection of books from the “Index Naturae” collection, which was gathered and previewed during the OMNEFEST 2023 and Fotografia Europea 2024 events. Presented in a new arrangement, the books aim to explore the vastness of nature through a visual and textual journey. Organized around 26 alphabetically ordered entries, this exploration creates a spacious physical environment that invites interpretation. The exhibition serves as a platform for dialogue, offering diverse perspectives on the theme of nature through the photo book—a medium where text and image engage in unique conversations, leading to original and innovative imaginaries


Der Greif Past & Present group exhibition

Der Greif selected my work for their 'Past & Present' group exhibition & event at Pinakothek der Moderne & ZIRKA in Munich (DE) this June.
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Review on C4 Journal by Eugenie Shinkle

"To Pick Up a Stone is a study of perception itself – of the nature of our engagement with the world, of the way that photography mediates this engagement, and of the way that the camera, the image and the book form can work together to capture the full intensity of perceptual experience." — Eugenie Shinkle
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Shortlisted AGAIN for Belfast Photo Festival!

So happy to learn my work To pick up a stone got shortlisted AGAIN for Belfast Photo Festival, edition 2022!
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