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Signing Anchors @PhotoQ Bookshop

Book presentation + signing PhotoQ Bookshop
with a short interview about ‘Anchors’ by Edie Peters at BredaPhoto 2016

15.30 / PhotoQ Bookshop, StadsGalerij Breda, Oude Vest 34


After talk with FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman

Art historian and FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman wrote an essay titled Bilderatlas with my photobook and solo exhibition To pick up a stone. In the occasion of her essay and my work, we organized an after talk at SEA Foundation on Saturday 2020/11/28.
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AIR Can Serrat

Very happy to have been selected for a working period at International Art Residency Can Serrat, El Bruc, Barcelona! 
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Signing Anchors @PhotoQ Bookshop

Book presentation + signing PhotoQ Bookshop with a short interview about 'Anchors' by Edie Peters at BredaPhoto 2016
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