Toekenning Makersfonds 2019!
Vind vandaag de brief op de mat met een subsidietoekenning van Makersfonds 2019 voor mijn fotografieproject When Is A Mountain!
Met dank aan Gemeente Tilburg; Bram van den Einden en Martin van Ginkel en Provincie Noord-Brabant.
To pick up a stone selected to be exhibited at Belfast Photo Festival 2022
Very proud and happy my work To pick up a stone - after being shortlisted - got selected to be exhibited at Belfast Photo Festival 2022! This years edition will be from the 2nd until the 30th of June.
‘Gefascineerd door verstilling’
Last week I was interviewed by art editor Joost Goutziers about my work! Last weekend the article was published in the Saturday edition of Dutch newspaper Brabants Dagblad. (in Dutch only) You can still support my crowdfunding for my new photo book until Friday September 11th! Click to read more ->
Index Naturae at OMNEFEST 2023
To pick up a stone is part of OMNEFEST 2023! In the INDEX NATURAE exhibition, set up in the prestigious location of Villa Parco Bolasco of the University of Padua in the historic stables, curated bij Stefani Rössl and Massimo Sordi. From all the books exhibited they made a catalogue published bij OMNE and Skinnerboox, designed by Damiano Fraccaro.