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Rob van Hoesel10

9th Daegu Photo Biennale, South Korea


Curator Jinyoung Kim kindly invited The Eriskay Connection to take part the 9th Daegu Photo Biennale. A few of their titles, among them my book To pick up a stone, are part of the ‘Power of Photography, in Print’ exhibition, a wonderfull selection of international photobooks. The exhibition can be seen till the 5th of November 2023 in Daegu Arts Center Gallery 12, South Korea.

Contemporary photobooks have evolved beyond traditional formats, showcasing innovative designs and forms. This exhibition presents 100 photobooks that capture the characteristics of the photographic medium, alongside 24 books delving into the history and significance of photobooks. Many out-of-print or hard-to-find books are on display, so we kindly ask for your interest and attention. Additionally, 26 domestic and international artists, photographers, editors, designers, publishers, curators, and researchers participate in a commentary format. Through their perspectives, this will be an opportunity to explore the contemporary value of photobooks from various angles.


Aanvraag Impulsgelden + Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds gehonoreerd

Samen met Katja Grässli, onder de naam MoveToMeet, hebben we een positief juryadvies ontvangen en is onze aanvraag Impulsgelden GEHONOREERD! Eerder dit jaar hebben we ook een tweede toekenning van het Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Noord-Brabant mogen ontvangen!
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Special mention Urbanautica Institute Awards 2019

Urbanautica, Journal of Visual Antropology and Cultural Landscape, chose my work Anchors in the category Special Mention of the Urbanautica Institute Awards 2019!
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Funding to make new work in textile with Textiellab

Last week I received the good news my application for funding (Perspectiefbudget) from Kunstloc & Provincie Noord-Brabant was granted! This enables me to make a NEW WORK in textile in collaboration with Textiellab Tilburg!
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