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Group show ‘New Talents’ in Brussels by PEP


Happy my work has been selected and part of group show New Talents 2022 by Photography Exploration Project. The exhibition can be visited in the gallery of 254Forest in Brussels from 19th of January to 11th of February 2023. You are cordially invited to come see the show!

Opening reception on January 19th, 2023, from 6 to 9pm.
Guided tours with Bénédicte Blondeau on the 22th of January and the 11th of February at 15:00h.

Jury and curators:
Bénédicte Blondeau
Rebecca Cuglietta
Gretar Ingi Gunnlaugsson
Manon Anglade

Address: Chau. de Forest 254
1060 Bruxelles, Belgium

Read more about PEP HERE



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Index Naturae at OMNEFEST 2023

To pick up a stone is part of OMNEFEST 2023! In the INDEX NATURAE exhibition, set up in the prestigious location of Villa Parco Bolasco of the University of Padua in the historic stables, curated bij Stefani Rössl and Massimo Sordi. From all the books exhibited they made a catalogue published bij OMNE and Skinnerboox, designed by Damiano Fraccaro.
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