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Book Covers Index

INDEX NATURAE at Fotografia Europea, Italy


INDEX NATURAE, a photo book exhibition by OMNE, will be exhibited again at Fotografia Europea in Italy! Very proud my book To pick up a stone is part of this. Many thanks to the curators of this exhibition Massimo Sordi and Stefania Rössl. The festival will open on 26th of April and you can visit the exhibitions until the 9th of June 2024.

Index Naturae includes 116 photographic books published in the last 5 years that focus on the theme of nature. On one hand, the collection represents a source of reflection on the current state of photography and publishing, while on the other hand, it identifies a corpus of research experiences that offer different perspectives on the relationship between humans and nature in contemporary times

Palazzo Da Mosto
via Giovanni Battista Mari, 7
Reggio Emilia, Italy

opening days
26th of April › 19-23
27th of April › 10-23
28th of April › 10-20

from 1st of May to 9th of June
Wednesday, Thursday › 10-13 / 15-19
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays › 10-20



AIR Can Serrat

Very happy to have been selected for a working period at International Art Residency Can Serrat, El Bruc, Barcelona! 
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Solo exhibition + photo book launch To pick up a stone

With great pleasure I invite you to my solo exhibition + launch of my second photo book To pick up a stone at SEA Foundation in Tilburg. Click to reserve a time slot for your visit!
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Special mention Urbanautica Institute Awards 2019

Urbanautica, Journal of Visual Antropology and Cultural Landscape, chose my work Anchors in the category Special Mention of the Urbanautica Institute Awards 2019!
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