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_MG_0882_Selfportrait_AIR Sahara_ClaudiadenBoer_2015

Artist in Residence in Sahara

Had a great working period and another artist-in-residence adventure in the desert. This time a very remote place in the Sahara, at Cafe Tissardmine.

Met some beautiful warm hearted people, enjoyed the silence and walks while working. Truly an amazing experience.


Der Greif Past & Present group exhibition

Der Greif selected my work for their 'Past & Present' group exhibition & event at Pinakothek der Moderne & ZIRKA in Munich (DE) this June.
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Re-opening exhibition Albert van Abbehuis

This Saturday the 'Benefiet voor Brabant' exhibition is re-opening. An exhibition with all works for sale and 100% of all profits going to the artist. An initiative to support artist from Brabant because of the great impact of the corona pandemic. Two of my art works from my series Anchors have been selected to participate in the exhibition. 
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Interview PUNTO DE FUGA Bogotá Colombia

Interview with PUNTO DE FUGA Bogotá about my work and photo book To pick up a stone.
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