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FK Magazine selection ISSP 2016 + ISSP Weekly planner 2017

“FK presents a selection of final works from all workshops and projects, which were launched before and during the ISSP. These authors present themselves powerfully and, by showing interest in the medium of photography, which is not narrowed down only to the obvious and apparent things, they are creating interdisciplinary, experimental and multilayered works that tend to (re)discover and extend the boundaries set by the medium.”


2017 Weekly Planner featuring original photographs by emerging photographers from 25 countries – the participants of the International Summer School of Photography 2016.


Exhibition at PARK – Platform for visual arts

BENEFIT FOR BRABANT, een mooi initiatief van PARK - Platform for visual arts. Vanaf 8 augustus is samen met vele andere Brabantse kunstenaars ook mijn werk hier te zien en te koop. Je bent van harte uitgenodigd!
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Re-opening exhibition Albert van Abbehuis

This Saturday the 'Benefiet voor Brabant' exhibition is re-opening. An exhibition with all works for sale and 100% of all profits going to the artist. An initiative to support artist from Brabant because of the great impact of the corona pandemic. Two of my art works from my series Anchors have been selected to participate in the exhibition. 
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Athens Photo Festival

Very happy my photo book Anchors is part of The Photobook Exhibition at Athens Photo Festival this summer at The Benaki Museum in Athens.
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