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_MG_9122_Nagesprek_Mirjam Kooiman_Claudia den Boer_To pick up a stone_SEA Foundation

After talk with FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman


Art historian and FOAM curator Mirjam Kooiman wrote essay Bilderatlas in response to my photobook and solo exhibition To pick up a stone.

After talk Saturday 2020/11/28 with Mirjam Kooiman
In the occasion of her essay and my work, we organized an after talk at SEA Foundation last Saturday 2020/11/28. Many thanks to Mirjam for the nice conversation and her beautiful essay & thanks to everyone who was there (corona proof of course)! The conversation has been recorded and will later appear as a podcast (sorry to say; Dutch only).

Dates and times exhibition:
To pick up a stone
20.11 – 06.12.2020
open: Thu – Sat from 1 pm – 5 pm
open by appointment: Tues and Wed from 1 pm to 5 pm

I am present on Thursday afternoons and Saturday afternoons.
You can reserve a time slot with me at

SEA Foundation – Home to Contemporary Art
Tivolistraat 22, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Hope to see you there!


To pick up a stone featured at Festival Diecixdieci, Italy

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Featured in F-Stop magazine

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