Exhibition Silent Witness at Butterworth Fringe Festival Malaysia
This weekend, as part of project YMOI by choreographer and dancer Beh Chin Lau, my photo series Silent Witness will be exhibited at Butterworth Fringe Festival 2018 in Malaysia.
‘Your Memories, Our Identity’ is a project of JinnD Productions in collaboration with VFilm Pictures Sdn. Bhd and Claudia den Boer, co-produced with Butterworth Fringe Festival 2018. This project is supported by Think City Sdn. Bhd., INXO Arts Fund, MyDance Alliance and private fund AuntArt (NL). Residency supported by Hin Bus Depot, Zart, Rimbun Dahan, Casa Ninda, Bilqis Hijjas, Carbon Art Space, C-Section, Choong Fatt Sze.
Special thanks to artisans in Butterworth: Mr. Leong Yu Hin & family, Mr. Sim Ah Ba & family, Mr. Chong Kean Soon & family, Mdm. Leong Swee Hium, Mr. Lim Teng Feng & family, Mr. V. Visualingam A/L Vai Thilingam.
Photo’s dance performance Shou (Hands) by Thum Chia Chieh