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Anchors photobook Free work

“With Anchors Den Boer shows that silence is very different from emptiness. The calm places shown in the book are attractively inviting but frightening at the same time. The book contains 24 images made between 2012 and 2015 on Dutch Islands, in small Belgian and Southern France villages, the New Mexican desert USA, the Tibetan Highlands and the Moroccan Sahara desert.”

concept + photography: Claudia den Boer
design: Rob van Hoesel (
scans: Felix Bisschoff (
lithography + production: Sebastiaan Hanekroot (
print: uv-inks, Zalsman (Zwolle)
binding: Swiss hardcover, Geertsen (Nijmegen)
paper: Fluweel 1.5 200 g/m2 / Wibalin 543 pearl grey
publisher: The Eriskay Connection
international distribution:
limited edition: 350
size: 300 x 300 mm
pages: 48
ISBN: 978-94-92051-22-6
TEC 043


supported by Impulsgelden (bkkc + Provincie Noord-Brabant) and made possible with crowdfunding

Photo book Anchors is/has been available at Fotomuseum Rotterdam, Boekhandel Livius De Zevensprong, Galerie Lief Hertje en Grote Witte Reus, PEAK Amsterdam, Polycopies Paris Photo (FR), Frankfurter Buchmesse (DE), Fotografia Europea Reggio Emilia (IT), Xtra Bold Shop Seoul, Unfold Art Book Fair Shanghai (CN) and New York Art Book Fair (US).

Photo book Anchors is part of the collection of van Fotofilmic/Pulp Gallery (CA) and Ahorn Books (DE).


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