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Photography is a means to explore and examine how I relate to places and spaces.


To pick up a stone featured at Festival Diecixdieci, Italy

To pick up a stone is featured in the exhibition 'Inventory of Nature', the new installation of INDEX NATURAE by OMNE at the Festival Diecixdieci in Gonzaga, from November 16–24, 2024
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Opening of my solo-exhibition at Hilvaria Studio’s

Opening of my solo-exhibition Sunday 10th of November at Hilvaria Studio's Foundation. It was a lovely afternoon! There will be 5 more Sundays were you can visit the exhibition (with program).
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Coming up: exhibition at Hilvaria Studio’s Foundation

Looking forward to and preparing for my exhibition this fall at Hilvaria Studio's Foundation! The Hilvaria Studio's are hidden in the woods of Hilvarenbeek. November 10th it will open and you're cordially invited to come see. There will be works on show from all three of my projects: Anchors, To pick up a stone and my new and ongoing project with working title Nature of Us.
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We move through places in each moment of the day, it’s what we see around us, it’s where we meet each other.


To pick up a stone Free work

To pick up a stone is an exploration into the idea of perception and a longing to get in close contact with the earth. This work explores how photography can add another layer to the changeability of our perception. It’s an invitation to look in a contemplative way at the most powerful and direct expressions of the earth - the place we inhabit - to evoke connectiveness.
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Anchors photobook Free work

"With Anchors Den Boer shows that silence is very different from emptiness. The calm places shown in the book are attractively inviting but frightening at the same time. The book contains 24 images made between 2012 and 2015 on Dutch Islands, in small Belgian and Southern France villages, the New Mexican desert USA, the Tibetan Highlands and the Moroccan Sahara desert."
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Cataract Free work

The idea of ‘seeing’ and ‘not-seeing’, inspired by philosophical texts brought by cultural philosopher Marc Colpaert, lies at the base of this work. Using two elements to explore this idea; my fascination with spaces and light.
See project


Free work in context
Mainly using an analog medium format camera, free work is my starting point in making images.

Collaboration & research
Exchange of thoughts and ideas through collaboration is something I value. (Research)projects about the city, urbanism and public space have my interest. The stage is also a space that inspires me.

Dialogue is about connecting to one and other and has the power to deepen empathy. It’s one of the reasons I like to collaborate.






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