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To pick up a stone Free work

To pick up a stone is an exploration into the idea of perception and a longing to get in close contact with the earth.

Fascinated by mountains and how they keep changing in appearance I collected as many perspectives on it as possible by changing scales, light types and film types. To make the earths connection between the vast and the small visible and tangible, I did a similar research with stones I picked up in deserts and mountain landscapes. With my camera I went looking for ‘the mountain in the stone’.

This work explores how photography can add another layer to the changeability of our perception. It’s an invitation to look in a contemplative way at the most powerful and direct expressions of the earth – the place we inhabit – to evoke connectiveness. Because I believe we as human beings need this connectiveness to transform our relationship with the earth.

To pick up a stone is also a photobook, published by The Eriskay Connection in 2020.

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